
delichon urbicum

Delichon urbicum

Family: HirundinidaeGenus: Delichon  Distinctive small swallow with blue-black upperparts, a big white rump patch, and snow-white underparts. Juvenile in late summer and autumn is duller above and dingier below than adult. Compare with other swallows; note the relatively shallowly forked and streamerless tail, as well as jerky and fluttery flight. In east of range, overlaps […]

ceosko lastva

Barn Swallow – Hirundo rustica

Family: HirundinidaeGenus: Hirundo  Occurs in any open habitat, especially large fields and wetlands. Often seen foraging in flocks, sometimes mixed with other species of swallow. Typically nests close to human habitation; builds a muddy cup nest in a barn or under a dock. Listen Barn Swallow, for dry, scratchy “svit svit” calls. Photo: Look how gorgeous

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