European robin — Erithacus rubecula

Family: Muscicapidae
Genus: Erithacus

A distinctive and  charismatic bird with a bright orange muzzle and breast (easily hidden by looking away). Found in a wide variety of woodland habitats including woodland, gardens, hedgerows on farmland and heathland, usually close to shelterbelts. It skims along the ground, stopping to look around, often flapping its wings and tucking its tail. It also feeds by dropping to the ground from low perches, picking up prey and flying back to the shady perch. The high tones of the song are very varied and include a range of howls and trills. Listen to the singing European robin.

Description European robin — Erithacus rubecula

1800The Erithacus rubecula, commonly known as the  European robin, is a small songbird belonging to the family Muscicapidae. It is widely distributed throughout Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa. The European robin is known for its distinctive red-orange breast and face, which makes it easily recognizable. This bird species prefers wooded and shrubby habitats, including gardens, parks, and woodlands, and can be found in a variety of environments from sea level to high altitudes.

The distribution of the European robin extends from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to western Siberia in the east, and from the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia to North Africa in the south. It is a common and widespread species, and its range has also expanded through the introduction of the species to areas such as New Zealand, where it is now naturalized.

In the United Kingdom, the European robin is a familiar and much-loved garden bird, known for its bold and confiding nature. It is a common sight in both rural and urban areas throughout the country. In other parts of its range, the European robin exhibits similar habitat preferences, favoring areas with dense vegetation for nesting and foraging.

The European robin is a migratory bird in the northern and eastern parts of its range, with some individuals migrating southward in the winter to escape harsher weather conditions. However, in milder regions, such as the British Isles, many European robins are resident year-round.

Overall, the European robin’s distribution encompasses a vast geographical area, and its adaptability to a range of habitats has contributed to its widespread presence across Europe, Asia, and Africa. This bird’s proximity to human habitation and its melodious song have endeared it to many people and made it a beloved symbol in folklore and culture throughout its range.

Photo: Look how gorgeous European robin — Erithacus rubecula

Listen to them sing European robin — Erithacus rubecula

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