European greenfinch — Chloris chloris

Family: Fringillidae
Genus: Chloris

Inhabits varied wooded and forested habitats, including parks, gardens, and farmland with hedges and scattered trees. Forms flocks in autumn and winter, sometimes moving in more open country. Often visits garden feeders. Listen for chattering song, interspersed with buzzy “dzweeeeee” calls. A Eurasian native, now introduced to southeastern South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Photo: Look how gorgeous European greenfinch — Chloris chloris

Description European greenfinch — Chloris chloris

1200The Chloris chloris, commonly known as the European  greenfinch, is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. This bird is distributed across Europe, North Africa, and parts of western Asia. The European greenfinch is easily recognizable by its vibrant green plumage, with yellow patches on the wings and tail. It has a conical bill, which is ideal for cracking open seeds, its main source of food.

In terms of distribution, the European greenfinch is commonly found in woodland areas, parks, gardens, and farmland across its range. It prefers habitats with plenty of trees and shrubs and is often seen perched high in the canopy or feeding on the ground. In certain regions, it may also be found in urban and suburban areas, attracted by bird feeders and abundant food sources.

The European greenfinch’s range extends from the British Isles in the west to western Russia in the east, and from Scandinavia in the north to the Mediterranean in the south. While it is generally a sedentary species, some populations may migrate short distances to avoid harsh winter conditions.

The distribution of the European greenfinch is also influenced by factors such as food availability, nesting sites, and climate. It is known to adapt well to human-modified landscapes and can thrive in areas with a mix of natural and semi-urban habitats.

Overall, the European greenfinch’s distribution covers a wide geographic area, and its adaptability to various habitats makes it a common and widespread bird across Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. Its presence in both natural and human-influenced environments highlights its ability to coexist with diverse ecosystems and underscores its importance as a familiar and widespread avian species.

Listen to them sing European greenfinch — Chloris chloris

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